As the holidays have creeped upon us I thought I would share a list of a few things that I am thankful for over this past year. Be warned, this is not your ordinary list:
1. I am thankful for all of my early birds. You know who you are. You show up at my estate sales at least an hour before opening and try every trick in the book to get me to let you in early. Trying to pose as staff? Really?
2. I am thankful for all of my customers who have educated me at my estate sales. You tactfully tell me when I have overpriced an item (although I sometimes wonder if this is a ploy for your benefit). Yea, I don't claim to be perfect so I welcome the learning experiences!
3. I am thankful for all of my shoppers who bring their children with them to my sales. I have observed your kids suckering you into buying some of the strangest things so that they can convert them into a toy! (I'm still not sure why that kid pleaded with his mom to buy him a broom...?). Keep'em coming :-)
4. I am thankful for all of my clients who have purchased some of the most unusual things throughout their lifetimes (what genius thought it was a brilliant idea to create a hand held hair dryer that weighs about 25 lbs?). I swear I though it was a space heater! I truly enjoy researching these items.
5. I am thankful for the pile of baby mice I found squirming in the shed. It taught me a valuable lesson-- stop being so cheap and hire someone else to do the truly dirty work! Wow, I didn't know I could run so fast!
Till next time, be blessed and let the estate sale lady handle your mess.