Monday, October 10, 2011

New Beginnings

Fall is fast approaching and I'm happy to say I survived the Texas summer heat! As the lazy days of summer have passed us by, it is now time to change our routines. For me, it will involve more indoor activities/projects i.e. getting closets organized, getting business records organized and prepared for tax time etc. You know, all the fun stuff :-). What is on your to do list for the fall? One thing I've definitely learned from my estate sale business is that becoming organized and clutter free not only improves the physical appearance of your home but uplifts you emotionally and mentally! Here are a few tips to start your fall season out right:

1. Get those piled up papers shredded! A stack a day keeps the headaches away.
2. Put away and/or donate those summer clothes.
3. Remember that New Year's resolution list? There's still time to accomplish some of those items! 
4. Organize your life creatively. Get the kids involved and make it fun! Use words like project or   activity.
5. Please carve out some down time for yourself. Rejuvenate those brain cells. You will think more clearly and be re-energized.